Saturday, April 2, 2016

Intellectual and Moral Virtue

Aristotle divides the soul into multiple parts such as the vegetative, appetitive, and rational parts. The vegetative part has to do with things out of our control and yet are necessary. This includes nutrition and growth, which can be seen in all living things from plants to humans. The appetitive part of the soul has to do with our desires and emotions. However, it also takes part in reason and is the source of moral virtue. The rational part of the soul is the intellect, where reason gives rise to intellectual virtues. This rational part of the soul is what separates humans from animals. Aristotle believes the intellectual virtues and moral virtues are completely separate groups of virtue. Thus, he argues that they come about through different methods. The intellectual virtues are transmitted or taught from one to another. The moral virtues are developed through habituation and practice.

 I understand the distinction that Aristotle is making, however, I feel that teaching and habituation are not so isolated to a specific group of virtues. Although they may apply more to one set of virtue than another, it seems that both teaching and practice play a role in both sets. As children we often look to our parents as examples of moral virtue and in a way they teach us moral virtues, which we must go practice on our own. With intellectual virtues such as practical wisdom, there is some requirement for an experienced teacher to show us what we cannot know by ourselves. Yet there seems to be some element of habituation or practice involved in practical wisdom as well. Through many experiences of having to discern right decisions to make, we can better improve our practical wisdom. This is a form of practice and not just learning from a teacher. Therefore, intellectual virtue and moral virtue may be brought about more clearly through either habituation or teaching, but it appears that some mixture of the two is necessary as well. What do you think about the distinction that Aristotle argues for?


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